Saturday, January 10, 2009


I have to speak in church tomorrow, which means right now is a great time to aimlessly surf the net. Look what I stumbled across: Snide Remarks
Now if that don't bring back the memories....


Amy said...

So did you find some good material there to use for your talk?

Brenny said...

Oh. My. Gosh. Memories!! I'm totally linking this on my blog.

How did the talk go?

flem-fam said...

Hahahaha! Remember when we tried to get in police beat? Now that's a little embarrassing!

Mary said...

I used to miss the Daily Universe until I started seeing Park Cities People every once in a while.

I had to give a talk a week or so ago too. Stanford had to give me some deadlines--I missed the "if you're done by 9 or 10 Saturday night we can watch a movie" one. I'm just no good at settling down to prepare a talk anymore--or never was.