Sunday, March 28, 2010

We have arrived

March 9: Sign S up for soccer
March 10: Third child is born
March 16: Drive home the new minivan


Elizabeth said...

So funny! Miss you! Come out and visit when baby gets bigger!

turleybenson said...

Now I wanna see you in those mom jeans!

a little music said...

You really do have to get a minivan when you get that third kiddo. It just fits better that way! I know it really stings to have to squeeze into that stereotypical mold, but after you adjust to it, you'll find that it actually feels pretty comfy! LOL

Amy said...

Livin' the dream.

TX Girl said...

Oh I'm so sorry.

erin said...

april 6: buy a dog.

The Editor said...

Congrats on that third child. Minivan comes just in time. How are you doing? Speak! You should have been at our inaugural meeting of ARTCHIX tonight. Your'e just the type for our little club!