Monday, January 25, 2010

Cheapest Mom You Know

So, when I send him off to school in these, sometimes I wonder if I am the cheapest mom alive. We found these authentic moon boots in the house, and since they fit, S inherited them. They had to belong to one of Phil's youngest brothers, which means they haven't been worn in 20+ years.
Other times, when I send him off to school in these, I can only think of this:


A Few Tacos Shy... said...

Not cheap, environmentally responsible! And my kids tell me Napoleon is cool, go figure...

a little music said...

I'm with Tacos. Besides, snow boots are EXPENSIVE!!! They run around $40 and with growing feet the size of your kids, they can only wear them for one season.

Fiscally responsible, that's what you are. Yeah . . . that's it . . .

TX Girl said...

You cheap? No. Never. (I'm thinking baseball tickets about now.)

Why buy a pair of boots if he might never wear them except for this winter? He most certainly won't need them if y'all EVER come back.

Elizabeth said...

And he won't need them if you move out to Hawaii. :)

Amy said...

Those are vintage. S should feel lucky.

The Editor said...

Not cheap. Smart. And it should be very satisfying. It always was for me!

Good point, TX Girl. Why should they ever need to worry about snowboots in Texas? But I do worry that the longer they stay in Price, they may become wooed away by its seductive, small-town charm.

Remember who you ARE, Blackburns!