Friday, May 7, 2010

Late Adopters

We are the latest adopters I know. Sorry kids, no marketing company darlings here.
Email: 1998
Digital camera: 2003
Cell Phone: 2005
Blogging: 2008
Texting: 2009
Dr. Laura: 2010
Flat screen TV: never, we'll be skipping straight to HD... someday
ianything: We don't, and haven't ever, owned an Apple product
Kindle: another gift giving occasion came and went today, still no Kindle

Wait. Dr Laura?

Okay, so we haven't fully adopted Dr. Laura, no listeners here (is she even still on the air?) but I recently read:

Phil found a copy in a box destined for goodwill in his mother's basement (talk about late adopters). He pulled it out. I figured I'd better take the hint. Though I scorned it and teased the whole way through, I also found myself trying out some of her suggestions. Guess what? Being nice gets you points. So does being direct. How embarrassing! Adopting Dr. Laura before Steve Jobs?!

Maybe I haven't been direct enough about the Kindle?


turleybenson said...

IF I ever decide to read this book, it will not be because several women over the years have recommended it to me.

It will be because YOU did.

We'll see....

A Few Tacos Shy... said...

Dr. Laura is crazy town but there are some good ideas in that book.

TX Girl said...

You should be embarrassed! You don't jump when Jobs says jump.. what is wrong with you.

Maybe you have been direct enough and his answer to you was.. read a book the old fashion way?

Amy said...

How about this: my mom has never used an ATM. At least you're up on current events. I use my iPhone to play games and check email, but I have no idea what's going on in politics.

a little music said...

Whenever I happen across her on the radio, it makes me so unhappy. I just can't really bear to read a word she says. Is she as mean in print as she is on the radio? Ooooh, she just sets my teeth on edge, she's so mean!!! Three exclamation points mean, at least!!!!

And did you know her "doctorate" is in English, or something like that? She isn't a doctor of anything to do with psychology or counseling. She just has a yappy, big mouth!

I give better advice than she does!

Kathryn, be open and direct with your husband, and be kind and nice to him. You'll find that it will really improve your relationship, and you'll really feel like you are communicating more effectively with him as well.

See, I just did what she did, only it didn't take me a whole, big, yappy book to do it! LOL

Hammy said...

When I was reading about the ipad and wondering what that would do to the kindle, I thought to myself, "I wonder if Phil ever bought Kathryn a kindle or if she gave up and bought one for herself."

Apparently you need to have a nice birhtday present addressed to you from your darling three kids. I've gotten lots of good presents from them.

Jenn S. said...

Yes - I agree, be direct and buy the kindle yourself. Marc has one and loves it.

I've read that book too - and agree with a few tacos shy . ..

ib said...

I applaud your ability to fend off the Apple monster for so long. I too have been steadfast in my unwillingness to not give in to temptation. I almost buckled when the iPod Touch was introduced to the public but I could not bring myself to make the purchase.

Viva Le' Resistance !!!