Thursday, September 23, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Quote of the Week

Oh, she is well trained. She used to be a life guard. She can blow her whistle louder than any of the other teachers.
S, reassuring us on the topic of his first grade, first-year, teacher

Pass the Mustard

Hazards of Costco and helping your mother-in-law move:
One gallon of mustard, expired Jan 2010, never opened.
Things with OUR house are moving along and it looks like we'll be in at the beginning of next month. Really looking forward to our own space and unpacking all the boxes we packed up over two years ago, expired mustard and all.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


UGH! Inspecting the inspectors findings, "initial fees worksheets" and "good faith estimates" that don't match up, looming deadlines, and Phil, who never gives up on numbers, who just gave up.

Remember how in Monopoly you could mortgage your property by flipping the card over? That sounds good.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Summer Break

So, in case you haven't noticed, and I really hope you have, I took a Summer break. I should have posted something notifying you of said break, but I didn't. That was all part of the break. But school's back in, we're no longer traveling back and forth between Salt Lake and my rural Utah location, the kids are in bed at a reasonable hour... I should have time to blog a bit.

The summer photo recap:
Hiking the Mormon Trail above Salt Lake City

Realizing that you went the wrong way and your ride is nowhere near

Hogle Zoo Classic

Baseball and Fireworks, July 4

More Baseball and Fireworks, July 24
The shipment from India came, but we still don't have a house, so it still looks like this.

And we saw so many of you as you passed through Salt Lake or as we passed through Dallas. It was a great, all-American Summer. I'm looking forward to the next one already.